Videohive Multipurpose Virtual Studio 1
Multipurpose Virtual Studio 1 15060550 Videohive - Premium After Effects Templates
After Effects CC 2015 | Element 3D v2, Element 3D Pro Shaders | 1920x1080 | 9 Mb
This is a great virtual studio that can be used for many purposes: as a news studio, video trainings, commercial presentation, explanatory video etc.
Take advantage of the real time reflections and video special effects thanks to the Element 3D plugin.
Important Features:
this template is using Element 3D plugin
super easy to customise
all colors can be easily changed to fit your brand colors
very fast rendering time
8 videos/stills placeholders
3 different set options: with studio desk, without the desk and side large screen display
step by step help file included
separate template with customisable Lens Flare plugin
VideoCopilot Optical Flares not required

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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