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Videohive Big Pack of Elements [Update 5 March 18)

Videohive Big Pack of Elements


Big Pack of Elements (New Update5 March 18) 19888878 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates

After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014 | Resizable | No Plugins | 288 Mb


What is inside?



25 2D Backgrounds

25 Charisma Backgrounds

49 Gradients



100 Minimalistic Titles

25 Charisma Titles

25 Badges

154 Letters Nexa Bold



48 Computer Animations

48 Gadgets Animations



100 Basic shapes

25 Charisma Shapes

50 Shape Lines

50 Shape Sparks

50 Shape Particles

50 Shape Mixed

70 Hands



30 Eco Icons

30 Game Icons

30 Medical Icons

30 Business Icons

30 Web Icons



25 Simple Transitions

25 Charisma Transitions

25 High-Tech Transitions



179 2D Presets

248 3D Presets

354 Text Presets



- Isometric – Special tool to work with elements of the pack. But you can also use it with other flat elements.

- AEViewer – By default works only with Big Pack elements. But you can upgrade to full version and work with your projects, presets, fonts and media files.

- Font Manager – By default works only with Big Pack typeface. But you can upgrade to full version and work and create your own animated typefaces.


Version 1.4.1

- Fixed a few Badges and Icons
- A few bugfixes to AEViewer (now it’s not creating lots of AEViewer folders)
- New tool that is available under the Scripts menu of AEViewer, called “Remove unused items”. It will help you in the situations when you get expressions errors after deleting the item from the layers


Version 1.5


- Added support of After Effects CC2018



How does it work?

1. INSTALL THE MAC .apk file.. 
2. RUN THE install as admin SCRIPT 
3. AFTER THAT YOU REPLACE THE start.jsx file in library/applicationsupport/adobe/CEP/com.bigpack... /JSX/ 
5. THEN YOU OPEN UP IN WINDOWS EXTENSIONS AEViewerBP and when it ask for license you just click CANCEL .. 

Thanks to cezobeat

Free Download

TO MAC USERS:If password doesn't work, use this archive program: The Unarchiver and extract password protected files without error.
TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.

Videohive, animation, backgrounds, big, font, hands, icons, intro, logotype, pack, presets, shapes, text, titles, transitions, viewer

lan_adapter By lan_adapter Status: Currently Offline


doesnt work, even when created folder ... /com.bigpack... /JSX/
Registration: 13.12.2018 | Comments: 10 | Post: 0 |
On 13 December 2018 12:17
Rockstard555 By Rockstard555 Status: Currently Online


Need the version for AE 2019, thanks!
Registration: 31.10.2016 | Comments: 25 | Post: 0 |
On 27 December 2018 01:48
nhmelevskiy By nhmelevskiy Status: Currently Offline


If you look at the logs in the manual installation, you will see that there are no rights in the system to write all the necessary files to replace their file:
checkdir error: cannot create /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/com.motionland.bigpack
Permission denied
unable to process com.motionland.bigpack/.

I think that the problem in the system of mac os with their security updates. Like in Photoshop 2019, u know, to install it you need to run the installation file with the cntrl button pressed.
I have macos mojave 10.14.1
Registration: 8.04.2017 | Comments: 3 | Post: 0 |
On 8 January 2019 19:54
soultaker By soultaker Status: Currently Offline


Please update for ae 2019. When I try to open AeViewer nothing happens. Even if I have launched AE as admin. AE 2018 works just fine.
Registration: 15.01.2019 | Comments: 3 | Post: 0 |
On 15 January 2019 20:30
Talyscc By Talyscc Status: Currently Offline


Quote: soultaker
Please update for ae 2019. When I try to open AeViewer nothing happens. Even if I have launched AE as admin. AE 2018 works just fine.

you may need debug mode to be on, it works completely fine for me on 2019, if you are on windows then run this
on mac
"defaults write /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.9.plist PlayerDebugMode 1"
Registration: 1.11.2018 | Comments: 32 | Post: 0 |
On 18 January 2019 00:33
5aledm7md By 5aledm7md Status: Currently Offline


when i try to use any titles it tells me that i can use just motion land products >> what should i do
i can use anything but the titles >> so is there any solve to this problem ??
help me please
Registration: 17.12.2018 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 18 February 2019 12:22
Klim777 By Klim777 Status: Currently Offline


Hello! I have the same problem: During normal start-up, it asks to start once from the administrator, I launch AE under the administrator - the plug-in does not respond to the launch AEVieverBP ((((AE CC2019, W10.
What could be the problem?
Registration: 18.11.2015 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 26 February 2019 09:22
weslley reys By weslley reys Status: Currently Offline


working perfectly, maybe the first time he opens it does not respond, even after having done everything right, but the second time everything goes well, thank you.
Registration: 19.02.2018 | Comments: 5 | Post: 0 |
On 24 March 2019 13:38
ashu786 By ashu786 Status: Currently Offline


If anyone have still facing Crack issues you can mail me at [email protected]
Registration: 7.04.2016 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 27 March 2019 10:35
Jorand By Jorand Status: Currently Offline


Quote: fer5275
How I Can Fix it?

I did not find a solution to "How I Can Fix it ??" - But what I did was bring the effect manually from the site where it was saved and it worked
Registration: 4.05.2019 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 7 May 2019 04:49
fickup By fickup Status: Currently Offline


i cant use it in AE 2019 version :(
the 2018 just work fine
Registration: 21.10.2017 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 28 May 2019 15:58
GhadaYounes By GhadaYounes Status: Currently Offline


"motion land" thing .. did anyone fixed it yet please!!!

Quote: ashu786
If anyone have still facing Crack issues you can mail me at [email protected]

HI PLEASE can you help me .. when i start using gadgets folder it keeps giving me " you must open from motion land" message .. how can i fix it????
Registration: 20.05.2019 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 1 June 2019 05:55
cube_000 By cube_000 Status: Currently Offline


When will they have the motion bro?
Registration: 25.04.2016 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 11 June 2019 20:18
tothbarnabas By tothbarnabas Status: Currently Offline


How can I solve this problem ? : you can use only projects that came from "motion land".
Please help me ASAP :)
After Effects CC 2018 , Windows 10
Registration: 1.07.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 1 July 2019 09:04
belii076439 By belii076439 Status: Currently Offline


Hi all, who have "You can use only project that came from "Motion Land" error on Eindows. Create a .reg file with the contents:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




And run this file. Or use my URL:

https: //

I checked it on my AE cc2020
Registration: 3.06.2020 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 3 June 2020 20:26
llopes By llopes Status: Currently Offline


Quote: belii076439
https: //

You are using CC2020? How works?
Registration: 15.09.2015 | Comments: 24 | Post: 0 |
On 8 July 2020 14:48
Alireza_PK By Alireza_PK Status: Currently Offline


Quote: belii076439
Hi all, who have "You can use only project that came from "Motion Land" error on Eindows. Create a .reg file with the contents:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




And run this file. Or use my URL:

https: //

I checked it on my AE cc2020

my AE is 2020 too
But I have same problem: "you can use only projects that came from motion land"

i create reg file But it is still unresolved!

This message only appears in the titles section
please help me request
Registration: 25.12.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 8 August 2020 15:04
Rhon By Rhon Status: Currently Offline


password please, for mac
Registration: 18.01.2020 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 29 October 2020 06:35
aynmray By aynmray Status: Currently Offline


There is no file in OneDrive. Please re-upload
Registration: 12.07.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 19 June 2024 06:02


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