Videohive Coffee AE Mockup | Espresso Americano Cappuccino Coffee to Go
19-05-2017, 16:10 | Category: after effects project » Product Promo
Coffee AE Mockup | Espresso Americano Cappuccino Coffee to Go 19771274 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | Resizable | Video Copilot SABER | 74 Mb
4 different scenes and 4 Ultra HD 4K resolution actual filmed stock footages of the Coffee. Just drop your logo in the Logo Placeholder. Coffee AE Mockup is a beautiful, powerful and inspirational cinematic after effects project. It can be used as an advertisement of the tea shops, café promo, restaurants, mockups, opener, product promo, coffee house, coffee shop, commercials etc. It is very easy to customize. Step by step tutorial included.