Videohive CINEPUNCH (BUNDLE) - Transitions I Color LUTs I SFX - 18 PACKS - 9999+ Assets v20
CINEPUNCH - Transitions I Color LUTs I Pro Sound FX I 9999+ VFX Elements Bundle [Version 20] 20601772 Videohive - Free After Effects Preset
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx, .mov | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 4.6 GB

Videohive Video Library - Video Presets Package v4.2
Video Library - Video Presets Package v4.2 [Cracked] 21390377 Videohive - Free After Effects Templates
After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | No Plugins | Resizable | 6.88 Gb
Over 1700 professional Presets & Elements for After Effects. Video Library contains more than 250 ready to use presents and 1000 elements from 12 different categories which can help you make your unique video on a professional level. Colorful, Corporate, Extreme, Glitch, Grunge, Ink Smudge, Letters, Modern, Showreel, Sport, Urban, Vintage. Every category contains different elements and creates unique stylish look. Apply a preset in one click, change text and use Control Panel to change effects and colors. We will frequently update Video Library and add more categories, presets and elements.
Try our FREE DEMO VERSION in you After Effects CC2014-CC2018 to see how it powerful.

Videohive TypoKing | Title Animation - Kinetic Typography Text v5
TypoKing | Title Animation - Kinetic Typography Text v5 11263341 Videohive - Free After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015 | No Plugin | Resizable | 446 Mb

Videohive Big Pack of Elements [Update 5 March 18)
Big Pack of Elements (New Update - 5 March 18) 19888878 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014 | Resizable | No Plugins | 288 Mb

Videohive Particle Builder | Magical Pack: Magic Awards Abstract Particular Presets
Particle Builder | Magical Pack: Magic Awards Abstract Particular Presets 20004075 Videohive - Free After Effects Add Ons
Add-on Files Included .ffx, .plugin | Works With Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015 | 220 Mb
We created this tools for essential needs of motion designers and VFX professionals. It’s a particle generator and you create fire, dust, magic, smoke, sparkle, flames or glass particles in fastest and easiest way. You can give life to your still images with brush tool and create different broadcast packages, title sequences, logo reveals or photo slideshows. Works on pictures, texts, video and etc. Also authors can create templates with these different particles.

Videohive Painter Preset Pack - After Effects Presets
Painter Preset Pack Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .ffx | 248 Mb

Videohive Wow! Dynamic Element 3D Presets
Wow! Dynamic Element 3D Presets 19997366 Videohive - Free After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .ffx | After Effects Version CC 2015 and above | No Plugins | 264 Mb
“This multipurpose presets pack contains 125+ presets which can be used for Intros,Logo animation, Text animation, Title animationyou can use 3d models too ”

Videohive Glitch Text Presets
Glitch Text Presets 19033484 Videohive - Free After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | After Effects CS5.5, CS6, CC versions supported | 84 mb

Videohive Minimal Titles 4K
Minimal Titles 4K 19747291 Videohive - Free After Effects Template
After Effects Version CS6 | No Plugins | 3840x2160 | 14 MB

Videohive Typography & Minimal Titles
Typography & Minimal Titles 20034223 Videohive - Free After Effects Template
After Effects Version CS5 | No plug-ins | 1920x1080 | 13 MB

Videohive Camera Movement Presets
Camera Movement Presets 11316555 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
Add-on Files Included .ffx, jsxbin | 510 Mb
Presets Pack for After Effects CS6 and higher.
45 ready presets of camera animation: point-to-point (two points) around a single point, from point to point (unlimited points list). Also, you can customize rotation animation, a movement distance and other properties of camera.

Videohive Text Animator Suite
Text Animator Suite 14530455 Videohive - Free After Effects Script
Add-on Files Included jsxinc | 1 Mb
Tired again and again customizing up the animation for text?
Do you want create a cool and dynamical animation of text in a few clicks?
Now it’s possible! Present to your attention – Text Animation Suite!
Create any animation for text in a few clicks! Down with to manually add and change properties!
Tired coming up variety of animation? Now the script will do it for you!
Simply select the desired options and click button – Add Random Animation, script itself will be generate values for parameters!

Videohive Particular Presets - Magic Pack II
Particular Presets - Magic Pack II 19672582 (Last Update 5 June 17) Videohive - Free Download After Effects Script
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx, jsxbin | 724 MB

100 Presets Transitions - After Effects Template (Motion Array)
100 Presets Transitions - After Effects Project (Motion Array)
AFTER EFFECTS CS5.5+ | 3840X2160 (4K) | NO PLUG-INS | 57.78 MB
100 Presets Transitions is a wonderful and multipurpose After Effects template. Including an enormous amount of easy to apply and elegantly animated transitioning effects. Effortlessly add dynamic transitions to your presentations, openers, Youtube videos, intros, Facebook, typography, interviews, corporate slideshows, products, show reels, documentaries, TV shows and so much more. You can easily combine them to create your own unique style. Always have broadcast quality, creative and clean transitions at your finger tips. Available in 4K.

Videohive Barbershop Badges
Barbershop Badges 15166956 Videohive - Free After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 2 Mb

Videohive Furious | 50 Titles Presets
Furious | 50 Titles Presets 19969746 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1920x1080 | Element 3D v2, Element 3D Pro Shaders | 47 Mb

Videohive Titles Toolkit Customizer Suite-Typographylnad
Titles Toolkit Customizer Suite-Typographylnad 19887594 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | 1920x1080 | Video Copilot SABER | 1.3 Gb
Typographyland is more than project it´s a powerful toolkit suite to generate infinite graphic titles with just a few clicks (and no plugins purchasing is needed ). Typographyland is the ultimate Titles Toolkit Generator Suite.

Videohive 3D Text Styles Cinematic Trailer ToolKit
3D Text Styles Cinematic Trailer ToolKit 16535554 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No plug-ins | 1920x1080 | 108 Mb
The Ultimate After effects Template For Creating Unique Trailers And Tiles For Your Projects And Movies

Videohive Action Transitions Pack
Action Transitions Pack 19275831 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 68 Mb
Action Transitions Pack is a set of 40 AE Transitions + 40 Sound FX + 40 Action Presets FX works with CS5.5 and above. Action Transitions Pack is very simple to use! Just import the Action Transitions AE Project into your project and simply use one of the 40 precomposed transitions in a layer above your footage! (Refer to the preview video for a brief usage overview) In addition, we have prepared a set of 40 Action Transitions Preset which can be installed and recalled anytime from the presets panel and simply dragged and dropped on your work ! To complete the pack there is a set of 40 original sound FX created specifically for these transitions. Here is a list of categories:

Videohive Ultimatum Bounce Presets
Ultimatum Bounce Presets 19295714 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .ffx | 356 Mb

Videohive Lower Thirds Composer | After Effects Script
Videohive Lower Thirds Composer 14543539 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Script
Add-on Files Included .jsx | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 33 Mb
Sorry for the long wait, we finally found a way to solve our problems here: everything was caused by using fucking flash player: we were using it for presets preview and to get system fonts. So we had to remove this features.The video preview has been replaced by images (I know, is shitty but at least works) and the fonts list is now very small only with OS’s basic fonts. Still, you can add your fonts by typing their font post script name (located under the font file property). Frankly, we tested this with many fonts on windows: most of the times works, some times not so much. We couldn’t figure out if is because adobe or windows.

Videohive Pro FX Presets [Particular]
Pro FX Presets [Particular] 18612888 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | Trapcode Particular | 1920x1080 | 84 Mb

Videohive 30+1 Premium Corporate Titles Pack
30+1 Premium Corporate Titles Pack 18526683 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No Plugins | 1920x1080 | 4 Mb
This new titles pack will add elegant style, premium look, bold accents to your words and serious attitude to your presentation, slideshow, promo, tv channel. It will come in handy for any corporate or personal type of videos, photography, videography, demo reel, corporate presentation, special event. Inside it is clean and well organized to be fast in editing and usable for many times, with many possible outcomes. Includes tutorial for beginners and has many original and customizable titles to choose from.

Videohive Modern Titles 2
Modern Titles 2 15878055 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Template
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 | No plugin | 1920x1080 | 78 Mb

Videohive Gold & Silver Presets
Videohive Gold & Silver Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 266 Mb
This new preset for the After Effect. Use to create a professional-looking titles or logos with gold silver or chrome texture. You can do it in one click. Simply drag preset on your title or logo. You can choose glossy or brushed variant texture and bevel size. Also, you can easily animate glare. Bonus project included for the fast creation of 3D titles. Just put in Place Holders composition your logo or title.

Videohive Broadcast Globe Maker
Broadcast Globe Maker 1856391 Videohive - Free Download AE Templates
After Effects Version CS4, CS5 | No plugin | 1920x1080 | 87 Mb

Videohive Movie Action Presets
Movie Action Presets 14716796 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Preset
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 1 Mb
This set includes over 100 professional FX to turn a video in an Action Movie! All presets have been designed to offer a wide range of uses: grunge, action, thrillers, extreme sports, terror, etc. Just drag and drop your desired FX in a adjustment layer over your footage and choose the desired blending mode (add or overlay suggested) The length of the animations from 10 frames to 50 frames but can be easily corrected to satisfy your needs.

Videohive Cinematic Text Styles Pack
Cinematic Text Styles Pack 16993384 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | Video Copilot SABER | 1920x1080 | 120 Mb
Here is a new kit of 31 animated text styles and you can mix them to create unique cinematic reveal. Great for trailer or game video! Just type your text and your hollywood titles are ready. Easy use and fast render.

Videohive Easy Film - Professional Footage Color Presets
Easy Film - Professional Footage Color Presets 16439028 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Preset
Add-on Files Included .ffx | Mo Plugin | Resizable | 30 Mb
Tool for making your commercial videos more professional and weddings more cinematic! Preset affects your colors by making them feel more film like. Unlike many other color correction presets this one does not make your footage cheesy and your color correction too obvious.
Main Feature: Make your footage colors look different with a more subtle taste – without ruining the scene feel.

Videohive Text Preset Volume I for Animation Kit
Text Preset Volume I for Animation Kit 15736518 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Template
After Effects Add Ons: .jsxbin, .jsxinc | 13 April 2016 | Works With:Mac OSX (64-bit), Windows (64-bit) | PDF Start Guide | 42 mb

Videohive Pocket Typo - Motion Text Package - After Effects Templates
Pocket Typo - Motion Text Package 15865771 Videohive - Free Download AE Project
After Effects Version CS5 | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 110 Mb

Royal FX Presets 13273318 Videohive - Free Download AE Project
After Effects Version CS5 - CC 2015 | .aep, .ffx | 15 October 2015 | No plugins | 113 Mb

Videohive Fresh Titles - Auto-Resizing Animated Typography Text Pack - After Effects Templates
Fresh Titles - Auto-Resizing Animated Typography Text Pack 15712155 Videohive - Free Download AE Project
After Effects Version CS6 - CC 2015 | Resizable | 14 April 16 | No plugins | 65MB

Liquify Preset - Videohive
Liquify Preset 13003221 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Preset
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 1920x1080 | No plugins | 14 Mb
Here is new animated liquify presets for your logo or text. Liquify in one click, everything is customisable, can be applied to logo or text, project included.

Videohive 22 Awesome Cartoon Text Presets - After Effects Presets
22 Awesome Cartoon Text Presets 4939131 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .ffx | 737 Mb
22 Awesome Cartoon Text Presets is a set of fun typo animation effects for After Effects. Just drag and drop the presets onto a text layer to create cool, cartoon animations. They work on any type of text layer – 2D, 2.5D and 3D.
Whether it’s a bounce, stretch, squash, wiggle or a spin you need, each preset is easy to adjust with simple settings. A ‘Completion’ slider effect controls the overall animation. That leaves you free to think about the important stuff, like telling your story with motion graphics!

Videohive 20 Particular Presets - Magic Pack - After Effects Presets
20 Particular Presets - Magic Pack Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | Trapcode Particular | 6 Mb

Videohive Faux Raytraced Shadow Preset - After Effects Presets
Faux Raytraced Shadow Preset Videohive - Free Download
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014 | 4096x2048 | No plugins needed | 77 Mb
A shadow preset that mimics the desirable look of raytraced shadows but without the excessive render times. This product comes with 3 quality settings and a video tutorial on how to use the product.
Music “Jazz Dance” by PONYMUSIC Shapes by Ouss Infographics by Minimalab

Videohive Isometric Presets - After Effects Presets
Isometric Presets Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .ffx | 105 Mb
Isometric Presets are created in After Effects for easy creating isometric views inside the program. Just drag & drop needed preset and you get isometric view of the element.

Red Giant All Suites + Guru Presets (Win/Mac) July 2015
Red Giant All Suites + Guru Presets (Win/Mac) July 2015
Founded in 2002, Red Giant creates an ever-expanding universe of effects tools ranging from plug-in suites, applications and mobile apps to Guru Presets, free products and sharing communities. We provide software for motion design, photography and color correction that is used for everything from major motion pictures to worldwide television programming to web production. Red Giant offers the industry-leading Trapcode tools for broadcast design; Magic Bullet Suite for color correction; and over 60 products that run in After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture, Avid, Vegas, Nuke, and Studio. Our effects have enhanced dozens of feature films such as Angels & Demons and The Social Network, and added sparkle to networks like NBC Universal, ESPN, Disney, CNN, Comedy Central, MTV, and TNT.

Lens Distortions: Premium Light Leaks + AE Presets (2k & 4k)
Lens Distortions: Premium Light Leaks + AE Presets (2k & 4k)
File Format: ProRes, .mov, .aep | Resolution: 3840x2160, 23.976 fps, 16:9 | 15.4 Gb
Lens Distortions — are original filters designed to help you elegantly frame your shot. Crafted from stunning Light Leaks and beautiful After Effects presets. A must-have tool for your arsenal of video effects. Beautiful ProRes files for Premiere or Final Cut, and iconic After Effects templates for when you want to take it to the next level.

35 Text Presets Vol.2 - After Effects Presets (Videohive)
35 Text Presets Vol.2 Videohive - Premium After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .ffx | 1920x1080 | 93 Mb

Dynamic Lower Thirds 9170504 - After Effects Presets (Videohive)
Dynamic Lower Thirds 9170504 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC | 1920x1080 | Requires Plugins: No | 21 MB

Animated Text - After Effects Presets (Videohive)
Animated Text Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC | 1920x1080 | png, video Tutorial | 144 mb

Glitch Twitch RGB TV Noise - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Glitch Twitch RGB TV Noise Videohive - Free Download After Effects Template
After Effects Version CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | Requires Plugins No | 251 Mb

Logo Effects Tool - After Effects Presets / Plugins (Videohive)
Logo Effects Tool - Free Download After Effects Presets (Videohive)
After Effects Plugins | Add-on Files Included: .ffx | 2 Mb
Logo Effects Tool Plugin is a useful tool that can add some simple effect to your logo and loop these effect at set intervals…... ! just like a plugin and only thing you will do is a few mouse click! and it always use in your Advertising Films,TV channel,promotion or any project you work that add your logo in footer

Text FX Pack III - After Effects Presets (Videohive)
Text FX Pack III Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 49 Mb

Utilizing Effects and Presets in After Effects (Digital Tutors)
Utilizing Effects and Presets in After Effects (Digital Tutors)
50m 38s | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 32KHz 1ch
Genre: eLearning | After Effects CC | Project Files Included | September 14, 2014
In this series of tutorials, we will be getting familiar with effects and presets in After Effects. We will start by adding multiple effects to a solid to get an understanding of how stacking order can change the appearance of an effect. Once we’re happy with how everything looks we will learn how to save our effects as a preset that we can use again in other projects. We will also take a look at how we can save presets for keyframes as well as shape layers, layer styles, layer properties and even expressions. And finally, we’ll take a look at how we can browse the existing After Effects presets, alter them for our project and then save them as our own user preset. By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of how effects work and will be able to save time in your workflow by using presets to easily apply commonly used effects and properties to your projects.

Text Animated Presets - After Effects Project (RevoStock)
Text Animated Presets RevoStock - Free Download After Effects Template
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 20 ffx files ( 10 in and 10 out) | 17 Mb

15 cinematic aggressive color presets - After Effects Presets / Plugins (Videohive)
15 cinematic aggressive color presets Videohive - Free Download Presets / Plugins
Add-on Files Included .ffx | 1 Mb

Glitch Presets for Text and Video - After Effects Presets (Videohive)
Glitch Presets for Text and Video Videohive - Free Download After Effects Presets
Add-on Files Included .aep, .ffx | 13 Mb