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ShareAE » Special » Videohive Handy Seamless Transitions | Pack & Script V6.1 [Cracked]

Videohive Handy Seamless Transitions | Pack & Script V6.1 [Cracked]

13-05-2020, 04:21   |   Category: Special, Elements
Videohive Handy Seamless Transitions | Pack & Script V6.1 [Cracked]

Handy Seamless Transitions | Pack & Script V6.1 [with Crack] 18967340 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates

After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No plug-ins | Resizable | 738 Mb

Handy Seamless Transitions – is a set of video-transitions which can help to make your video visually interesting and amazing! Slideshow, trailer, promo, music clip, broadcast, movie, documentary film or presentation – any your project will be far more fascinating, dynamic, and professional!

Over 490 dynamic After Effects transitions for any video projects! Make your video visually interesting and amazing quickly, conveniently and effortlessly! Slideshow, trailer, promo, music clip, broadcast, movie, documentary film or presentation – every your project will be far more fascinating, dizzying, and professional!

 What’s new?

  • Fixed an expressions error that appeared in After Effects CC.2019
  • Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.2.2 Changelog

A new version is available – Handy Seamless Transitions v5.1!

 What’s new?

  • Fixed an expressions error that appeared in After Effects CC.2019
  • Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.0.1. Changelog

See more about updating in this video.

NOTE! Please download the new version of the files from your download page.
You need to install a new version of the extension and install new presets files.

Over 1500 dynamic After Effects transitions for any video projects! Make your video visually interesting and amazing quickly, conveniently and effortlessly! Slideshow, trailer, promo, music clip, broadcast, movie, documentary film or presentation – every your project will be far more fascinating, dizzying, and professional!
Lift your videos to the next level! Add to your video editing tools these super cool Target-Zoom and Pan transitions!

Technical requirements

  • To use the Motion Bro extension, requires After Effects CC.2014.2 or higher. Watch tutorial
  • To use presets without an extension (drag-and-drop method), requires After Effects CS6 or higher. Watch tutorial
  • It is possible to use presets in Premiere Pro, using Dynamic Link. Watch tutorial


  • Over 1500 dynamic transitions
  • Supported any resolution up to 4K
  • Supported any aspect ratio regardless of orientation – portrait or landscape
  • Without media hodlers (adjustment layers system)
  • Animation speed control in real time
  • Ability to move a Zoom and Spin Target
  • Ability to change direction of the slide, for transitions from SIMPLE pack
  • Ability to use in Premiere Pro (via the Dynamic Link). Tutorial
  • Does not require advanced skills in After Effects
  • Music used in Promo (not included):  Epic | Trap Fun
  • Font used in Promo (free): Muller
  • Video used in Promo: Link
  • Free Demo Presets
  • Free Sound FX Pack


Update 6.1 (2020-02-12)
+ Added a new category of transitions: Texture Wipe
+ A fix has been added that can possibly eliminate the error 'PF_Cmd_SMART_PRE_RENDER, for transitions from the "3D Box" category
Update 6 (2019-11-19)
+ Added a new category of transitions: Hyper Jump, Streth Wiggle, Shape
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.3
Update 5.3 (2019-03-16)
+ Added a new category of transitions: 3D-Box (100% resizable and work without any placeholders)
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.2
Update 5.1.1 (2019-01-11) - Fixed transitions from the "Particles" category that worked incorrectly at resolutions other than 16x9
Update 5.1 (2018-10-24)
+ Fixed an expressions error that appeared in After Effects CC.2019
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.0.1
Update 5 (2018-09-17)
+ Release of the new version of the extension - Motion Bro 2.0
+ Added new categories of transitions: Parallax Pan, Scale Stretch, Diamond Lens Zoom, Kaleidoscope, Pan Shake, Zoom Shake, Spin Shake
Update 4.6 (2018-04-04) - Added a new category of transitions: Split
Update 4.5.1 (2018-04-03) - Fixed transitions from the category "Particles", which did not work correctly in a resolution other than 1920x1080
Update 4.5 (2018-04-03)
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version
+ Added a new category of transitions: Particles
2018-03-23 - Updated the Motion Bro extension to version
Update 4.0.1 (01-24-2017) - Fixed transitions "Camera Flight", which broke in portrait orientation of the composition
Update 4.0 (01-12-2017)
+ Adapting all HST-transition for a new extension - Motion Bro
+ Added a new category of pan transitions: Simple. For these transitions have ability to manually change the direction of slide
+ Added new categories of transitions: Glitch, Flares, Film
Update 3.3.2 (04-29-2017) - Added a temporary solution - HST Script (CC.2017), for After Effects CC.2017, in which, in rare cases, the extension panel of HST Script has stopped displaying
Update 3.3.1 (03-30-2017) - Fixed bugs occurring in some transitions when using non English version of After Effects
Update 3.3 (03-25-2017)
+ Added new transitions - Lens Zoom
+ Fixed transitions that had an error in the 4K resolution - "Motion Tile cannot allocate a buffer larger than 30000 pixels [...]" 
+ Fixed some transitions that had a slight blurring at the end
Update 3.2 (03-16-2017)
+ New feature - Time Stretch tool
+ Fixed minor bugs in some translations
Update 3.1 (03-05-2017) - Smoothed Motion Blur for most transitions
Update 3.0.3 (03-01-2017) - Fixed minor bugs in the HST Script
Update 3.0.2 (02-25-2017) - Added the ability to animate Anchor Point for Target Zoom
Update 3.0.1 (02-23-2017) - Fixed a bug due to which the HST Script v.3.0 is not displayed in the Extensions
Update 3.0 (02-23-2017)
+ Added new transition, including a new category: Distortion Power Zoom 2, Distortion Zoom 2, Glitch Overlay, Flares Overlay,
+ The new version of the script panel - HST Script v.3.0
+ New feature – Target Zoom
Update 2.5.2 (02-05-2017)
+ Fixed transitions with a resolution different from 1920x1080, that are not working correctly in version After Effects CS5.5 and CS6 
+ Fixed Zoom Center, in transitions with a resolution different from 1920x1080
Update 2.5. (02-02-2017)
+ Added new transition, including a new category: Distortion Zoom Chromatic Shift, Distortion Zoom Skew, Fisheye Layer, Glitch Rewind, Stretch Swinging, Simple Fade  
+ The new version of the script panel - HST Script v.2.5
Update 2.0 (01-05-2017)
+ Added new transitions, including a new category: Distortion Hyper Zoom, Glitch Strips Slide, Perspective Edge, Kaleidoscope, Stretch, Pixel Zoom
+ The new version of the script panel - HST Script v.2.0
Update 1.1.2 (12-13-2016) - Fixed all not universal expressions.
Update 1.1.1 (12-09-2016) - Fixed a bug with the lack of motion blur, that sometimes appear under the marker "Cut", when using the "Time Stretch" option, or a frame rate of more than 25 fps.

 Update 1.1 (12-05-2016) - in each Transition-Comp added Sound FX layer.



Crack by Talyscc:


the new crack is here: (final crack)

if you have a previous motionbro installation delete it
its located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\MotionBro
if you dont have this folder then create it

extract the motionbro addon into the folder that you have just created
open after effects
Window > Extensions > MotionBro
import any of the .list files, sometimes its too small to see the import button on the far right of the panel so just resize it

if the pack asks for the code just type anything in and it will be cracked

I had to update the crack as there was a few issues with how the zxp was installing the crack because i forgot to rehash it. but it should be fine for now, i tried to fix some of the compatibility issues with it and it should work properly now. if anyone has any new issues with this feel free to reply. ill try and resolve your issue as fast as i can


I use the latest crack you shared. However, I found the solution for those who use Windows PC:
- Run regedit.
- Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.8
This is for CC 2018, if you use CC 2019, try CSXS.9 instead.
- New -> String Value -> Name it "PlayerDebugMode", value data "1"


Thank you so much Talyscc

Free Download

TO MAC USERS:If password doesn't work, use this archive program: The Unarchiver and extract password protected files without error.
TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.

Videohive, 3d transitions, broadcast, cinematic, distortion, Dolly zoom, epic slideshow, epic transitions, film, glitch, music clip, panoramic, power transition, slideshow creator, slideshow toolkit, zoom transition

ale2200 By ale2200 Status: Currently Offline


hi i can't watch the previews, what am i doing wrong?
Registration: 12.08.2019 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 12 August 2019 03:37
ederrodri By ederrodri Status: Currently Offline


It worked for me on Mac OS Sierra. Thanks. Thanks :D
Registration: 15.08.2019 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 16 August 2019 00:43
ale2200 By ale2200 Status: Currently Offline


Quote: ederrodri
It worked for me on Mac OS Sierra. Thanks. Thanks :D

hi, Hi, can you see the previews with motionbro?

Quote: Marina_pa
Thank you for this

Working in 2019 & Windows

Hi, can you see the previews in the script window?
Registration: 12.08.2019 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 18 August 2019 12:59
Taysah By Taysah Status: Currently Offline


Thank you.
Registration: 19.08.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 19 August 2019 20:51
theRAIN By theRAIN Status: Currently Offline


here is a google drive link
Registration: 1.01.2019 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 9 September 2019 01:56
cell001 By cell001 Status: Currently Offline


who ever need this send me an email and ill send it 2 you..i swear these people be making so difficult to come up..
Registration: 25.06.2019 | Comments: 7 | Post: 0 |
On 10 September 2019 00:31
Isslam-Dz32 By Isslam-Dz32 Status: Currently Offline


Quote: theRAIN
here is a google drive link

thank you so much
Registration: 19.10.2014 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 23 September 2019 21:12
dougie By dougie Status: Currently Offline


got all the way to the last step, typed in random letters. Got an error message saying

"Status it not '200 OK' or '301'" Perhaps your system do not allow the script to perform code verification via the internet. to fix this try solutions below: run as administrator or disable antivirus program. Contact motionbro if it dont work"

not sure what to do


Quote: dougie
got all the way to the last step, typed in random letters. Got an error message saying

"Status it not '200 OK' or '301'" Perhaps your system do not allow the script to perform code verification via the internet. to fix this try solutions below: run as administrator or disable antivirus program. Contact motionbro if it dont work"

not sure what to do
Registration: 25.09.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 25 September 2019 11:24
MEZasot By MEZasot Status: Currently Offline


Whats the PASSWORD please
Registration: 15.10.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 15 October 2019 09:39
michalmuskolay By michalmuskolay Status: Currently Offline


It works. Thank you som much. Have a nice day.
Registration: 23.10.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 29 October 2019 07:16
sa3er By sa3er Status: Currently Offline


Here is the final version crack

Motion Bro 2.3 Cracked by Sa3er:

This version supports the AE Face Tools pack.
If asked for purchase code, just type anything and click check!
Registration: 1.04.2019 | Comments: 5 | Post: 0 |
On 15 November 2019 08:04
Bin58 By Bin58 Status: Currently Offline


update please new ver ^^
Registration: 20.06.2014 | Comments: 7 | Post: 0 |
On 12 February 2020 10:13
lihbest1 By lihbest1 Status: Currently Offline


this transition is not supported to CC2020?
i'm trying on AE CC2020
but purchase code confirmed after, it still doesn't work.
i need help.

i use the motionbro 2.3 new crack.
Registration: 2.12.2014 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 8 May 2020 03:11
firefister By firefister Status: Currently Offline


I have AE 2020 and did the regedit thing and when i put in a random purchase code it says cracked but nothing happens
Registration: 23.04.2020 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 13 May 2020 20:59
panikos By panikos Status: Currently Offline

#225>>> link is broken!!!!!!
Registration: 3.06.2014 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 14 May 2020 14:15
Hijlan By Hijlan Status: Currently Offline


installation video
Registration: 15.05.2020 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 15 May 2020 07:35
mak2490 By mak2490 Status: Currently Offline



Thank you.
Registration: 28.01.2018 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 17 May 2020 11:34
bosscura By bosscura Status: Currently Offline


purchase code wrong on imac please help
Registration: 18.05.2020 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 21 May 2020 23:42
johncloue By johncloue Status: Currently Offline


How to download? not free :(
Registration: 22.02.2017 | Comments: 10 | Post: 0 |
On 1 June 2020 12:38
nikhil n By nikhil n Status: Currently Offline


hi how to install this for 2020 version
i am not able to do it.
can you help me out
Registration: 10.06.2015 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 9 June 2020 02:33
balajikotni By balajikotni Status: Currently Offline


can anyone help its not working for 2020 plzz update purchage code not working
Registration: 1.05.2020 | Comments: 10 | Post: 0 |
On 28 June 2020 04:02
cacaroto1994 By cacaroto1994 Status: Currently Offline


It seems it doesn't work for AE 2020.
I installed AE 2019 and it is working fine,
Registration: 28.01.2015 | Comments: 3 | Post: 0 |
On 5 July 2020 15:50
maxstilwell By maxstilwell Status: Currently Offline


Quote: sa3er
Here is the final version crack

Motion Bro 2.3 Cracked by Sa3er:

This version supports the AE Face Tools pack.
If asked for purchase code, just type anything and click check!

please could you upload to anything other than zippy i keep getting 403 forbidden error
motion bro v3.0.3
ae 2017

Thanks in advance! :)
Registration: 24.02.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 29 August 2020 22:55
balican By balican Status: Currently Offline


guy is this plug in working with ae2022 please need it immediately
Registration: 12.04.2022 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 12 April 2022 09:28
emrekcdg By emrekcdg Status: Currently Offline


Registration: 10.01.2024 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 10 January 2024 22:55


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