Happy Birthday Celebrations Photo Gallery - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Happy Birthday Celebrations Photo Gallery Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 90 MB

Website Community - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Website Community Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 446 MB
Website Community is a special kind of 3D Gallery combining a presentation of 10 websites under one community represented by a logo and text reference. All in hi-tech 3D space. Every placeholder is shown for exactly 10 seconds.

A Touch Of Colour - Adaptive Photo Gallery - After Effects Project (Videohive)
A Touch Of Colour - Adaptive Photo Gallery Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 687 mb
A Touch of Color is a professional template for your photos and videos. It has an elegant and modern feel.
It has a clean and atmospheric look with many possible uses, example: Family videos, Fashion promos, Corporate presentations, TV presentations, company advertisement, product advertisement, credits and much more!

Copy Paste Markers 2 (Aescripts)
Copy Paste Markers 2 (Aescripts)
Allows you to copy one or more markers and paste them on any other layer.

Story Boarding v1.5 (Aescripts)
Story Boarding v1.5 (Aescripts)
Story Boarding is an After Effects script that allows Adobe Story or Final Draft (or from any scriptwriting software exporting to the fdx format) screenplays to be imported inside Adobe After Effects.
Once imported, you can use your screenplay as a context tool while working on your scene, or you can use it to create a rough cut for you and start building an animatic version of it. Better: you can use it both ways.
Built as a tool to quickly iterate on the Mythomen Movie Project, it’s the perfect time saver for visually experimenting with your story to strengthen your style and your creative vision.
Play around with pace, musics, camera angles, scene layout faster than ever and spend more time refining your art than manipulating complicated tools.
Create a fast and animated storyboard, previz, animatic, and much more depending on your project pipeline.

ft-Toolbar v2.1 (Aescripts)
ft-Toolbar v2.1 (Aescripts)
ft-Toolbar help create your own custom toolbars with effects, presets, expressions, scripts or any commands you use the most often in After Effects.

Light It Up - Light Bulb Text or Logo Reveal - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Light It Up - Light Bulb Text or Logo Reveal Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC | 1920x1080 | mov | 201 Mb
Light It Up is a professional template for your titles and logos. It has a Cinematic atmosphere.
It has a professional look with many possible uses, example: logo reveals, title presentations and much more! Just enter your text / change your logo, and you’re ready to go!

Advanced Newspaper Headlines - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Advanced Newspaper Headlines Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | mov | 14 Mb