Wham Bam Logo Slam! - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Wham Bam Logo Slam! Videohive - Premium Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 158 Mb
Wham Bam Logo Slam!... easy customization… drop in your logo, text or image… and Make An Impact! Great for bumpers, endtags, logo stings… anything that needs a bit of punch!! Drop in your logo, text or image and the magic of AE will automatically create the hole & crater around it.

Lines - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Lines Videohive - Premium After Effects Templates
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 1 Mb
The project is created to be really easy customized. Insert text, change fonts, images , colors. YOU DON ’T NEED ANY PLUGINS . Cycore effects which comes with your After Effects are required

Chains Element 3D Title Sequence - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Chains Element 3D Title Sequence - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | mov | 32MB
The Chains After Effects/Element 3D project was designed with the suspense/horror film genre in mind. Its cinematic style is great for:
- Opening title sequences
- Closing credits
- Trailer titles

Stripes - Broadcast Pack Pro - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Stripes - Broadcast Pack Pro - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | mov, Video Tutorials | 125MB
With this pack you can get everything you need for your tv channel or tv show, the product is fresh, dynamic, original and professional. Also you can give multiple uses for the 21 utilities contained on this pack. I hope you like and find it useful.

App Promo - Clean & Simplistic - After Effects Project (Videohive)
App Promo - Clean & Simplistic Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 294 Mb
Promote your or client’s app. This is a complete iPhone 4G / 5G / iPad app promotional video. Versatile customisation, simple to use. You can easily edit content and change colours of everything from one place.
Estimated time to understand, edit and finish the video (from unzip to start rendering) is 1 hour (if you have prepared the text content and screenshot / video assets in advance).

Merry Christmas - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Merry Christmas Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 6.3 Mb
This project is CS4 compatible & full HD I have included non plug-in version in zip file, so now people who do not have trapcode plug-ins can also use this project.

Mysterious Opener - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Mysterious Opener Project After Effects
After Effects 7.0, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5 | 1920x1080 | 24 Mb
You need to have 3 plugins installed: trapcode particular, shine and knoll light factory.
This template is very easy to edit: just replace pictures, logo, and text.

As Colourful As Ever - After Effects Project (Videohive)
As Colourful As Ever - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1280x720 | png, Video Tutorial | 47 MB

Simple Fashion Slideshow - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Simple Fashion Slideshow - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | aep | 64MB

Red Machine - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Red Machine Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1280x7200 | 31 Mb
Red Machine is Animation sequence made in After Effects CS4 in HD ( 1280 X 720 px ). Compositions easily customized , insert text, change fonts, colors and sizes. 8 Placeholders for media, photos and videos. Final comp whit Text and place for Image Helpful Instruction The project does not use any pre renderer elements 51 seconds long.

Street Lights - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Street Lights Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1280x720 | 29 Mb
- A great Street Animation sequence made in After Effects CS4 in HD ( 1280 X 720 px ).
- Compositions easily customized , insert text, change fonts, colors and sizes.
- 9 Placeholders for media, photos and videos.

TakeShoot - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive TakeShoot Project After Effects
After Effects 7.0 | 720x576 | 4.6 Mb

3D Book Mock-up - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive 3D Book Mock-up Project After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1920x1080 | 20 Mb
This project is now updated to fix vertical lines that appeared during the animation and enhance the project visually. Added glossy cover support that can be adjusted or disabled.
3D book model animation to promote your new eBook. Add your cover design, inner pages, edit the quotes and titles to make a perfect marketing video for your digital or printed book. Project comes in three sizes – Thin, thick and normal. Choose the one that fits your book.
Use this to promote your book, boost your book’s sales or to demonstrate your book in realistic, visual 3D animation.
Everything created within the After Effects. Compatible with AE CS4 and newer. You can have complete control over everything without additional plugins or third party software.
Paper texture included to make your book look more realistic.

Ink & Paper - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Ink & Paper Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 129 Mb
This project file is a media pack with the following features:
- &| Seven Individual Media Elements
- Print Roll (loop)
- Tear Transitions (V&H)
- Ink Flow (title reveal)
- Motion Typography
- Frontpage Titles
- &| Seven Sound FX Included
- &| Easy Video Tutorial
- &| FULL HD, with the possibility of combining the elements the way you want. Fully editable, no plug-ins or pre-renders. The small text can also be edited!

Pieces - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Pieces Project After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1280x720 | 243 Mb

Subscribe - Project After Effects (VideoHive)
VideoHive Subscribe Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 495 Mb
Hi everyone,so this one sweet funny shiny Opening with three holders for text.The project is made in FullHD 1920×1080 in 32bps.
This Project has pre-rendered Trapcode Particular 2.0 layers. So,you don’t need these plug in. However I have included another project like a separate file that uses the Trapcode Particular 2.0 layers just in case you have this plug in and want to change something. Suggestion:Those who have Particular2.0,just render out the non-prerendered version cuz that way you can get the best colors from this project. Videotutorial with voice is Included. Easy for edit. 15 seconds long. The Audio is also not included in the project files.

3D magazine mock-up bundle - After Effects Project (Videohive)
VideoHive 3D magazine mock-up bundle Project After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1920x1080 | 32 Mb
Can be used for promoting your real magazine or displaying your own images as in magazine. Use to promote your products, show your family or friend pictures, create wedding magazine for newly married couple and so on.
Everything created inside After Effects. Titles, texts, covers, images can be easy replaced. You can have full control over all appearances and animations.
No additional Plugins needed. However the Cycore plugins that comes with the After Effects must be installed. If you got Missing Plugins error – check your AE installation disc for those plugins.
Three separate animations included: - Slow and easy - Active - Active, Fast flip through

Dream Scence - Project After Effect (Video)
VideoHive Dream Scene Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 24 Mb
It is your Dream Scene. Magical fantasy trailer realized in the project Adobe AfterEffects. Very easy to use, all you need to do is write your text and insert your logo.
Trapcode Particular is used.

Energy Wipes - After Effects Project (Videohive)
VideoHive Energy Wipes Project After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1280x720 | 280 Mb

Particle Impacts - After Effect Project (Videohive)
VideoHive Particle Impacts Project After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1280x720 | 199 Mb

Business Plus - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Business Plus After Effects Project
After Effects CS4 | 1280x720 | 16 Mb

Fiery Trailer - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Fiery Trailer After Effects Project
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 153 Mb
“Fiery Trailer” is dynamic trailer style Animation made in After Effects CS4 in FULL HD (1920×1080)
The project include one Flame element made in 3D app. Needed Plugins are: Trapcode Particular V1.5 and
Knoll Light Factory V2.5
Compositons very easily customized, insert text, change fonts. Text Instructions are included. 47 seconds long. The font are free(included link).

Incubus Logo - CS3 - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Incubus Logo - CS3 After Effects Project
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1920x1080 | 7.6 Mb
Cinematic logo intro in which ethereal gases appear to morph into molten metal before cooling to solid brushed steel.
Ideal as a dramatic opener or use the powerful reveal effect on other items. Currently has a dark, industrial feel.